Monday, December 17, 2012

Room 6's Christmas tree

This is our amazing Christmas tree for miss Sweeney the decorations were all hand made. Merry Christmas :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I was making a wallet in textiles that was purple on the inside and green on the outside. And I made a pillow and a keychain for my mum's friend for Christmas .

Monday, November 26, 2012

My saving goal

My saving goal is to get a iPod touch. It will cost $599 it will take me 10 months. I will achieve this goal by 2nd of October 2013 by saving $5 a week.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Haiku poem


On the rocky cliffs,
Howling at the moon all night,
Howling loud and strong.

Science Alive bridges

Science Alive came today and we were building bridges.

The things that we liked about our bridge is it is simple and easy , everyone else was doing funny design and looked very hard to make.

The things that we don't like about the time we had was enough time to make our base of the bridge, to support it but we couldn't make ramps for cars to get up and get down.

We had to make it so it would replace the waimakariri river bridge, because the original bridge is to old and it could brake any day now.

The proses is that we made two cubes that we made for the side paths then we started to make the beginning of the road.

After that we made the side beams so it can be sturdy and won't brake.

We looked at other people's design and cheek if it is sturdy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My day in the wheelchair

It was a hard day but it was fun and same people helped me to get in and out of the door! Hope I can do it again.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

wheelchair day

Tomorrow is my day to be in the wheelchair with Isabell ,hope it dosen't rain !
I can't wait because I want to see how hard it is ,and all of the pushing to do.

Monday, September 10, 2012

1/8 poster

This is my 1/8 poster I made at maths,in room 7 .
It was very fun thanks to room 7's teacher.

Cultural Festival

The crowd was screaming for the show, when Gemma from What Now came on to the stage.
She started to talk and then someone had a T-shirt gun and shot it into the crowd.
She said "Who got that?" Someone yelled out "I did".

I wondered, ' that could of been me but then it couldn't '.I was woundering how many people were out there? But it was time to go on the stage.

 My hands started to sweat I heared a crowd of people screaming, it was pitch black, I could just see a group of people wearing their highlighter vests in the crowd , I knew it was Burnham School.

The boys did their 2 hakas and it was time for the girls to shine.It was very quiet' then hannah ,Britteney and Taleah started to sing and then the boys started to stomped ,then all of the girls
started to sing a sway side to side.

After we finished Ka pioioi e we moved along so we had space to do the poi.
Then the music started the song Reach, everyone joined in with the song, like doing the actions to the corus  and the tried to do the poi.

The song was almost over, the whole group walked I mean danced of the stage.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cultural festival

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Literacy/Te Reo -Speech and Mihi

The class said I did the following things well I had
content-explination, pace,volume and eye contact.

The class wished next time I would standing tall
slow down a little and volume during mihi.

Next time I deliver a speech I will standing tall
slow down a little and volume during mihi.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Math statistical investigation

Our groups statistical investigation was I wonder if boys can run
faster then girls.

The type of graph I created was a pictograph

The  results show that boys won by 5 and girl lost by 3
1 of the pair got a tie.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Art-Mardi Gras Masks

I make some changes because it was to small to put all of my design on.
this time I added more stars on it to make more shiny and i added same glitter glue.

The hard part about it was the night sky it was very hard to paint around the stars!

The colours I decide to use represtent the colours of the world.

My mask is suitable for celebrating 30 years at the Cultural Festival because if the world wasn't
born there would be no Cultural Festival.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

From Native Bird Picture
From Native Bird Pictures

This lady came in and talked about a artist that drew native birds.
The first step was to sketched the bird and add same detail then we stared to
colour in the bird so it would look nice.

What I would change about my art work i would make it more colorful and detailed   
so it would be more pretty!

Monday, April 16, 2012