Monday, November 26, 2012

My saving goal

My saving goal is to get a iPod touch. It will cost $599 it will take me 10 months. I will achieve this goal by 2nd of October 2013 by saving $5 a week.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Haiku poem


On the rocky cliffs,
Howling at the moon all night,
Howling loud and strong.

Science Alive bridges

Science Alive came today and we were building bridges.

The things that we liked about our bridge is it is simple and easy , everyone else was doing funny design and looked very hard to make.

The things that we don't like about the time we had was enough time to make our base of the bridge, to support it but we couldn't make ramps for cars to get up and get down.

We had to make it so it would replace the waimakariri river bridge, because the original bridge is to old and it could brake any day now.

The proses is that we made two cubes that we made for the side paths then we started to make the beginning of the road.

After that we made the side beams so it can be sturdy and won't brake.

We looked at other people's design and cheek if it is sturdy.